Free Blogging for Developers
Aug 9, 2015
Are you looking for a new blogging platform? Is WordPress, Tumblr, and others too clunky / hefty for your simple blog? Make your blog beautiful and light-weight on Github Pages with Jekyll!
I assume you have / are familiar with the following:
- Node
- Ruby Gems
- Git
- the command line
- Step 0: Install Jekyll
- Step 1: Create a GitHub account (if you don’t already have one) – remember the name! ;)
- Step 2: Create a repo named as follows:
- Step 2a: If you created the repo via GitHub, clone it down
- Step 3: $ cd /path/to/cloned/
- Step 4: $ jekyll new .
- Step 5: commit (note: master branch displays) and push to the remote
At this point, will be your blog! Take a few moments to learn about Jekyll, creating posts, and making your own templates.