The title of this article could just as easily be “Why I never want to work on another REST API ever again”, or perhaps more mildly “Why GraphQL and Why Not REST?”

Here are the resources I use in my talk.

Delivering a fully end-to-end tested product which verifiably produces value might sound like a bit of a dream. Behavior driven development ensures that each feature is formally defined (think automated testing) and directly related to a business goal.

Curious about hybrid app development and/or REST APIs built in JavaScript?

Directives are a feature of Angular, and thus Ionic, allowing us to make tags powered by JavaScript.

Making mobile apps is pretty fun if all you have to do is write css and javascript. Angular makes it more fun, and Generator M gets us off the ground pdq.

Let’s build a REST API in Sails for basic CRUD because dynamic content is an important part of most applications.

Sometimes, learning something new is daunting. Angular2 uses ECMA2015 – two new technologies at once for me. Might as well get started!

Are you looking for a new blogging platform? Is WordPress, Tumblr, and others too clunky / hefty for your simple blog? Make your blog beautiful and light-weight on Github Pages with Jekyll!